Vegetable Varieties For East Idaho

Vegetable Varieties For East Idaho

These are some of the varieties that we have found to do well in East Idaho. Local soil and climatic conditions as well as personal taste play a large role in determining which varieties you might prefer. There are certainly many excellent varieties that are not on this list. If you have a personal favorite that is not on this list by all means don’t abandon it. Why argue with success? But this is a good starting point. If you are new to gardening try the varieties in bold.

* Those varieties marked with an asterisk are some of our personal favorites.

@ AAS – All American Selection Winners.


Bean Blue Lake Bush, Blue Lake Pole, *Roma II, *Slenderette, Ky. Blue Pole
Beet Detroit Dk. Red, Early Wonder, Cylindra
Broccoli Waltham, Destiny
Cabbage Copenhagen Market, Red Acre
Carrot Scarlet Nantes, Rainbow Blend, Danvers
Cantaloupe Sarahs Choice, Early-dew (Honeydew)
Corn *@Honey & Pearl, @*Honey Select, Ambrosia
Cucumber Boston Pickling, Burpless 26,Bush Crop, Straight Eight, Armenian Yard Long, Diva
Kohlrabi Early White
Lettuce @Buttercrunch, Salad Bowl, *Mild Mesclun Mix, Gourmet Mix, Paris Island Red Salad Bowl
Onion *Candy Hybrid, Walla Walla
Parsnip @Harris Model
Pea Green Arrow, Sugar Snap, Lincoln, Little Marvel, Oregon Sugar Pod II
Pepper Ancho Grande, California Wonder 300, Sunbright, North Star, Jalapeno
Pumpkin Wee-b-Little, Big Max, @Autumn gold, Dills Atlantic Giant, Gladiator, Neon, Lumina, Sugar Pie
Radish @Cherry Belle, French Breakfast, Easter Egg, White Icicle
Spinach Bloomsdale, Avon, Viroflay
Squash (Summer) Crookneck, @Black Beauty Zucchini, Sunburst, Golden Glory
Squash (Winter) Pink Banana, Hubbard, *Sweet Meat, Delicata, Spaghetti
Swiss Chard Lucullus, Ruby Red
Tomato *@Celebrity, Oregon Spring, Early Girl, @Big Beef, Super Sweet 100, Sun Sugar, Roma
Watermelon Crimson Sweet
Seed Type Time to Plant Outdoors Dist. For Plants between Rows Dist. For Plants in the Row Depth to Plant seed Days to Germ Amt. To Plant per person Fresh Ave. Crop Expected per 100 Ft. Seed Needed for 100 Ft. Row
Asparagus April 5-6 ft. 18-24” ½” 15 10-15plants 30 lb. 21/2 oz.
Beans, Bush Late May, June 2-3 ft 3-4” 1 1/2 “ 6 15-16 ft 120 lb. ½ lb.
Beans Pole Late May, June 4 ft. 2-3 ft. 1 1/2 “ 6 5-6 feet 150 lb. ½ lb.
Beans, Lima Late May, June 2-4 ft. 10-36” 1 1/2 “ 7 10-15 feet 25 lb. Shelled 1 lb.
Beets April-June 14-20” 2-4” ½” 9 5-10 feet 150 lb. 1 oz.
Broccoli * April-June 24-30” 14-18” ¼” 10 3-5 plants 100 lb. 1 gram
Brussel Sprouts * April-June 30-36” 18-24” ¼” 10 2-5 plants 75 lb. 700 mg.
Cabbage Early * April-June 30-36” 16-24” ¼” 10 3-4 plants 150 lb. 700 mg.
Cabbage Late * May, June 36-42” 24-30” ¼” 10 3-4 plants 150 lb. 700 mg.
Carrots April-June 12-24” 2-3” ½” 8 5-10 feet 100 lb. ½ oz.
Cauliflower April-June 3-4 ft 24-30” ¼” 10 3-5 plants 100 lb. 1 gram
Celery April-June 18-36” 6-10” 1/8” 21 10 stalks 180 stalks 200 mg.
Chives April-May 12-18” 4-6” ¼” 14 ½ oz.
Corn, Sweet May-June 36-42 6-12” 1-2” 7 10-15 feet 10 dozen 4 oz.
Cucumber Late May-June 4-6 ft. 10-12” 1” 7 1-2 hills 120 lb. 1 oz.
Egg Plant Late May-June 24-30” 18-24” ½” 10 2-3 plants 120 lb 1 gram
Endive May-June 18-20” 10-12” ½” 10 9gram
Kale April-May 18-24” 12-18” ½” 10 5-10 feet 100 lb. 1.5 gram
Kohlrabi April-June 16-24” 6-8” ½” 12 3-5 feet 75 lb. 9 gram
Leek May-June 14-20” 4-6” ¼” 14 21 gram
Lettuce Leaf April-July 12-18” 4-6” 1/8” 7 10 feet 50 lb. 4.5 gram
Lettuce Head April-July 12-16” 12-14” 1/8” 7 10 feet 100 heads 1 gram
Muskmelon Late May-June 6-8 ft. 4-6 ft. 1” 7 3-5 hills 100 fruits ½ oz.
Mustard May-June 12-18” 2-3” ¼” 9 5-10 feet 100 lb. 4.5 gram
Onion Seed April-May 12-18” 2-4” ½” 14 3-5 feet 100 lb. ½ oz.
Onion Sets April-June 12-18” 2-3” 2-3” 9 3-5 feet 100 lb. 2 lb.
Parsley April-May 18-24” 12-16” ¼” 21 1-3 feet 30 lb. ½ oz.
Parsnip April-June 15-20” 2-4” 3-4” 18 10 feet 100 lb. 9 gram
Peas Dwarf April-June 18-24” 1-2” 1 ½” 8 15-20 feet 20 lb. 1 lb.
Peas tall April-June 4-6 ft. 1-2” 1 ½” 8 1 lb.
Pepper* Late May-June 18-24” 14-16” ¼” 10 3-5 plants 60 lb. 1.5 gram
Potatoes Late April-June 24-36” 14-18” 3-5” 21 50-100 feet 100 lb. 7 lb.
Pumpkin May-June 8-12 ft. 6-8 ft. 1 ½” 8 1-2 hills 100 lb. ½ oz.
Radish April-August 12-18” 1-2” ½” 6 3-5 feet 100 bunches 1 oz.
Rhubarb April-June 30-36” 16-24” 1 ½” 10 ½ oz.
Rutabaga May-June 18-24’ 6-8” ½” 9 7 gram
Salsify April-May 18-24” 2-4” 5 feet 100 lb. 1 oz.
Spinach April-May 12-18” 3-6” ¾” 8 5-10 feet 40-50 lb. 1oz.
Squash bush Late May-June 3-4 ft. 3-4 ft. 1 ½” 9 2-3 hills 150 lb. 1 oz.
Squash winter Late May-June 10-12 ft. 3-10 ft. 1 ½” 9 1-3 hills 100 lb. 1-2 oz.
Swish Chard April-July 12-18” 4-8” ½” 9 3-5 plants 75 lb. ¾ oz.
Tomato* Late May-June 3-4 ft. 2-3 ft. ¼” 8 3-5 plants 100 lb. 500 mg.
Turnip April-July 12-15” 3-4” ½” 7 5-10 feet 50-100 lb. 7 gram
Watermelon Late May-June 8-12 ft 6-10 ft 1-2” 8 2-4 hills 40 fruits ½ oz.