Planting Dormant Roses

Planting Dormant Roses

Roses are probably the most popular flower in the world. Who doesn’t love to have a vase of roses on the dining room table? But if you’re tired of the expensive cut roses from the floral shop only lasting a week or so, it’s time to try something new. Plant an actual rose bush in your yard and enjoy the roses all season long and year after year. Plant them now…and you’ll be smelling the roses by early summer.

Rose- Love & Peace 2002 AARSAnd guys,  if you find yourself in the dog house… just go out in your yard and clip a few of those roses to put in a small vase on the dining room table. That’s an instant get out of jail free card right there.

Despite the recent snow, now is a good time to plant roses, but only dormant ones. As long as they are mostly dormant, frost and snow won’t bother them. Our #1 grade dormant roses are planted in biodegradable pots. Just cut the top of the pot down to the dirt and plant directly in your soil. The pot will disintegrate, leaving the roots undisturbed and giving your rose an early head start.

Click here for planting tips for dormant roses. You’ll learn all about:
Rose- Dormant PottedAmending the soil
Digging the hole
How deep to plant (very important)
Removing the pot… or not

Roses are not as hard to grow in Idaho as you might think. Especially if you plant early and give them a head start. Stop by Town & Country and let us help you get started.