Organic Pest Control

Organic Pest Control


When choosing a method to address insect problems select the one which is likely to have the least negative impact on the whole growing environment in your garden. Just as with your own well-being, prevention is the place to start. If a problem develops follow the steps from left to right (from most benign to most intensive) to re-establish your garden’s balance. The more you do to maintain a healthy balance in your garden the less likely you will be to experience a pest infestation that will do significant damage


Cultural practices:

Careful garden observation

Beneficial insect habitat

-cover crops

-good bug seed blends

Good garden hygiene

Companion planting with repellent or trap plants

Plant health:

Slow release sources of necessary nutrients

Adequate, consistent water availability

Careful plant selection Mixed and timed planting Crop rotation

Soil health:

High organic matter content

Organic nutrient sources Reduced tilling



Row covers

Water sprays

Sticky traps Confusion lures

Beneficial/ Biological

Bt (bacillus thuringiensis)

Biological fungicides

Grasshopper bait

Milky Spore Disease

Beneficial nematodes

Mineral/Botanical Insecticides
and Fungicides*

Diatomaceous Earth

Insecticidal soaps and oils


Pyrethrins/ Rotenones

* Remember that these products may be harmful to people, animals and beneficials. Use only when necessary. Read and follow label directions carefully.